Conway’s Game of Life (CGoL)has always fascinated me. It is probably the most well known of all cellular automata and also probably the most intuitive. Yet even simple patterns can turn into complex sequences of shapes, patterns, and noise.
Years ago, when learning about the HTML5 WebAudio API, I came across a fun little demo called Blips of Life by Mike M. Fleming. Use your mouse to draw some dots and then click the triangle Play icon in the bottom left. Great, right? I’ll let you play around with that for a while. Leave it running while you read, perhaps?

When it came time to start prototyping new modules for my modular synth, I was inspired to recreate Mike’s work in hardware. I didn’t have exactly the parts to fully recreate his Blips of Life, but using the parts I had in hand I made a prototype.
My version has only an 8×8 grid and only has a major pentatonic scale. The small grid means that there are fewer possible patterns, although not so few it is monotonous. The major pentatonic scale is fine. The largest problem with the prototype is that I used CircuitPython to write it, which has no interrupt support. I love Adafruit – they’re a great company and they design terrific boards. But removing interrupts from their fork of MicroPython has cut several projects short.
The prototype works pretty well and exposed a new design challenge: how do you deal with “games” that end in loops? They’re a subset of steady state patterns in CGoL – a pattern can go “extinct”, “steady”, or loop in a finite sequence. The first case is easy to detect and deal with. If all the cells of the grid are off, repopulate the board. You can detect a steady state by comparing the next board with the previous. If they’re identical, repopulate.
But loops can be any arbitrary length, and can step through rather complex patterns. The only way I know to detect them is to have a list of boards known to be part of or lead to a loop. I’ve got some ideas how to do that either via live loop detection or with a precomputed list of boards. As yet, the performance limitations of CircuitPython really prevent tackling it. I’ll need to reimplement the code in C++ using Arduino. Hats off to Adafruit for supporting both Python and Arduino on their boards.