Tag: prototype

  • Prototype Game of Life Synth Module



    Conway’s Game of Life (CGoL)has always fascinated me. It is probably the most well known of all cellular automata and also probably the most intuitive. Yet even simple patterns can turn into complex sequences of shapes, patterns, and noise. Years ago, when learning about the HTML5 WebAudio API, I came across a fun little demo…

  • Ray Diagram: Now with Measurements

    Ray Diagram: Now with Measurements



    I’ve continued to work on the optical ray diagram tool prototype. I added a way to measure the effective focal length (EFL) of the lens system. It isn’t automatic, but by adjusting the parameters you can align an intersection at the optical axis and read off the EFL. Obviously this should be a one button…

  • Prototype Eurorack Frequency Modulation Synth Module

    Prototype Eurorack Frequency Modulation Synth Module

    I have a few prototype Eurorack modular synth modules in the works. I tend to get them working well enough to be musically interesting and then move to work on the next prototype. It’s not because I don’t plan on finishing them – it’s more that all the biggest questions are answered and I want…

  • More ray diagrams



    I’ve dug into this ray diagram sketch on CodePen because it’s pretty satisfying to twiddle the properties of the simulation and see how things change. I’ve added some sliders, but beware of the code – it isn’t pretty. I’d say it’s about reached the point of unmaintainability. The UI is a total wreck, but you…